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Advocating for Reproductive Autonomy for All

Volunteer with RRC

RRC volunteers serve as Patient Greeters and Escorts at local Charlotte clinics that provide abortion services.

We hold a 2 hour escort training class on site at a clinic once or twice each month.  

If being a Patient Greeter or Escort isn’t the right fit for you, we also need volunteers to work on social media content and event planning. 

Please complete the following form or send an email to to learn more and get involved.

Our Volunteers



Why do I escort at an abortion clinic?

It’s simple, yet complicated. The simple answer is that I am Pro-Choice and that should be enough. Unfortunately, simple is never simple enough.



Why I Volunteer

I had an illegal abortion in 1965 that nearly cost me my life. I am a living witness to the value of safe and legal abortion care. People can disagree but they have no moral right to intimidate and harass those they disagree with. They also should stop stigmatizing abortion.



Why I support the Reproductive Rights Coalition

I believe that women should have freedom to make choices about their lives. Women should be
able to decide whether they want to finish high school and if they want to go to college. Women should have the chance to find work that they enjoy and find meaningful. And women should to be able to decide for themselves, when, how and with whom they wish to have children.



Why I'm a Pro-Choice Activist

And now with almost unlimited funds, anti abortion groups are again escalating their tactics to stop clinics from operating. The harassment, shaming, buying of politicians, and worse are on the rise. We have a multi faceted battle against these people and hope you will join us if you have not already. I will fight until my last breath to protect women’s right to control our own bodies and lives. I take North Carolina’s slogan to heart: “Don't Tread on Me.”



What’s A Grandma Like Me Doing In A Place Like This, Anyhow?

Abortion is a key point in Women’s rights, and Civil and Human rights too. Personally, I can see how systemic oppression has made incredibly difficult paths in my life, and my children’s lives. With our rights being trampled and the Constitution all but slipping away, I feel urgent about fighting back for real personal and community justices in a tangible way.



Anti as an Escort?

It wasn't until my late teens that the façade became impossible to maintain. Cracks in reasoning and holes in logic caused doubt. Inconsistency created roadblocks. "Truth" turned out to be regurgitated cult doctrine, and "what was right" never seemed to get in the way of what most benefitted the men in power on top.



To Protect and Escort

The thing that motivates me to continue is knowing that I am protecting patients, and their rights. It's disheartening to look into the future and see how, without more allies and people standing with us, privacy rights seem destined to fall. It takes a special kind of person to be a protector, and goodness knows we need more of them now than ever.



The Benham Blitz

I want to give back to these protestors the harassment they heap onto strangers seeking medical care. I spend most of my volunteer time focused on the protesters, taking the focus away from incoming patients and giving them the attention they so desperately crave.



One of the Team

I find joy in being part of a team of people all reaching for the same goal, and I love being part of a group that makes things a little easier for patients to access whatever care they need, as they need it.

When we talk about reproductive rights, this is what we mean. It’s the difference between people as objects and people as agents; it’s the difference between people as pawns on the policy chessboard and recognizing them as the players, the decision-makers, the drivers of policy; autonomous individuals intimately concerned for the direction of their own lives. Under these conditions women, especially, enjoy better health and live fuller lives.
— Nafis Sadik